
The Science Behind Sound Healing

  • “Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being: An Observational Study.” Authors: Goldsby et al. 2016 Published in: Pub-med Central, National Library of Medicine. Summary: Poor mood and elevated anxiety are linked to increased incidence of disease. This study examined the effects of sound meditation, specifically Tibetan singing bowl meditation, on mood, anxiety, pain, and spiritual well-being. Read the full study here.
  • “Possible Mechanisms for the effects of Sound Vibration on Human Health.” Authors: Bartel, L., Mosabbir, A. 2021 Published In: Pub-med Central, National Library of Medicine. Summary: This paper presents a narrative review of research literature to “map the landscape” of the mechanisms of the effect of sound vibration on humans including the physiological, neurological, and biochemical. It begins by narrowing music to sound and sound to vibration. The focus is on low frequency sound (up to 250 Hz) including infrasound (1–16 Hz). Types of application are described and include whole body vibration, vibroacoustics, and focal applications of vibration. Read the full study here.
  • “Binaural beats to entrain the brain? A systematic review of the effects of binaural beat stimulation on brain oscillatory activity, and the implications for psychological research and intervention.” Authors: Ingendoh, M. et al. 2023. Published In: Pub-med Central, National Library of Medicine. Summary: Binaural beats are an auditory phenomenon that occurs when two tones of different frequencies, which are presented separately to each ear, elicit the sensation of a third tone oscillating at the difference frequency of the two tones. Binaural beats can be perceived in the frequency range of about 1–30 Hz, a range that coincides with the main human EEG frequency bands. The brainwave entrainment hypothesis, which assumes that external stimulation at a certain frequency leads to the brain’s electrocortical activity oscillating at the same frequency, provides the basis for research on the effects of binaural beat stimulation on cognitive and affective states. Read the full study here.